Management and Organizations • Ross School of Business • University of Michigan 701 Tappan St., R4468, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234
Phone: (734) 647-1055; Fax: (734) 764-2555
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University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
2014 – Present, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Organizations 2014 – 2017, Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow, Ross School of Business
2009 – 2014, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Organizations
2012 – 2013, Sanford R. Robertson Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations


Ph.D. Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2009 M.B.A. (High Honors) 2002, Oklahoma City University; Distinguished alumnus, 2017
B.S.B. 2000, Oklahoma City University – Moscow State University (Ulyanovsk Branch)


Sytch, Maxim, Franz Wohlgezogen, and Edward Zajac. 2018. Forthcoming. “Collaborative by Design? How Matrix Organizations See/Do Alliances.” Organization Science.

Sytch, Maxim. 2016. “The Architecture and dynamics of global networks.” In R. Ragozzino, L. Mesquita, and J. Reuer (Eds.), Collaborative Strategy: A Guide to Strategic Alliances, Edward Elgar.

Tatarynowicz, Adam, Maxim Sytch, and Ranjay Gulati. 2016. “Environmental demands and the emergence of social structure: Technological dynamism and interorganizational network forms.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(1): 52-86. Supplemental Data:

Sytch, Maxim and Adam Tatarynowicz. 2014. “Friends and Foes: The Dynamics of Dual Social Structures.” Academy of Management Journal, 57(2): 585-613. Supplemental Data:

Sytch, Maxim and Adam Tatarynowicz. 2014. “Exploring the locus of invention: The Structure and Dynamics of Network Communities and a Firm’s Invention Performance.” Academy of Management Journal, 57(1): 249-279.

Sytch, Maxim and Yong Hyun Kim. 2013. “Embeddedness.” In D. Teece and M. Augier (Eds.), Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management.

Sytch, Maxim and Ranjay Gulati. 2013. “Markets as Networks.” In D. Teece and M. Augier (Eds.), Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management.

Sytch, Maxim, Adam Tatarynowicz, and Ranjay Gulati. 2012. “Toward a Theory of Extended Contact: The Incentives and Opportunities for Bridging Across Network Communities.” Organization Science 23: 1658-1681.

Gulati, Ranjay, Maxim Sytch, and Adam Tatarynowicz. 2012. “The Rise and Fall of Small Worlds: Exploring the Dynamics of Social Structure.” Organization Science 23:449-471.

Sag, Matthew, Tonja Jacobidi, and Maxim Sytch. 2009. “Exploring the Notion of IP Exceptionalism.” California Law Review 97: 801-856.

Sytch, Maxim and Ranjay Gulati. 2008. “Creating Value Together.” Sloan Management Review 50 (1): 12- 13.

Gulati, Ranjay, Maxim Sytch, and Parth Mehrotra. 2008. “Breaking Up is Never Easy: Planning for Exit in a Strategic Alliance.” California Management Review 50(4): 147-163.

Sytch, Maxim and Philipp Bubenzer. 2008. “Research on Strategic Alliances in Biotechnology: An Assessment and Review.” In H. Patzelt and T. Brenner (Eds.), Handbook of Bioentrepreneurship, Springer: New York: 105-131.

Gulati, Ranjay and Maxim Sytch. 2008. “Does Familiarity Breed Trust? Revisiting the Antecedents of Trust.” Managerial and Decision Economics 29: 165-190.

Gulati, Ranjay and Maxim Sytch. 2007. “Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on Exchange Performance.” Administrative Science Quarterly 52: 32-69.

Working Papers and Work In Progress

Sytch, Maxim. 2017. “Caveat Emptor: Too Close to the Lawyers’ Den,” Second Revise and Resubmit.

  • Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, OMT Division, 2010.

Sytch, Maxim and Yong Hyun Kim. 2017. “Quo Vadis? Venue Shopping in Litigation.” Second Revise and Resubmit.

  • Finalist for the Best Paper on Enterpreneurship Award, Academy of Management, OMT Division, 2017.

Uribe, Jose, Maxim Sytch, and Yong Hyun Kim. 2017. “When Friends Become Foes: Previous Collaboration as a Catalyst for Conflict.” Revise and Resubmit.

Sytch, Maxim, Yong Hyun Kim, and Mijeong Kwon. 2018. “Network Resilience.” Work in Progress. Proposal Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, 2017.

Maroulis, Spiro and Maxim Sytch. 2018. “Innovation and Stasis in Small-World Networks.” Scheduled to be presented at the Academy of Management Conference, 2018.

Sytch, Maxim and Cassandra Chambers. 2018. “Following the Crowd: When Decrease in Uncertainty Amplifies Social Influence.” Work in Progress.

Sytch, Maxim and Russell Funk. 2017. “Interstitial Field Emergence and Conflictual Ties: The Evolution of Intellectual Property Disputes in Nanotechnology.” Work in Progress.

Book Reviews

Gulati, Ranjay and Sytch, Maxim. 2007. “Handbook of Trust Research” by Reinhard Bachman and Akbar Zaheer (Eds.). Academy of Management Review 33 (1): 276-278.

Sytch, Maxim and Niro Sivanathan. 2007. “Trust Under Pressure” by Katinka Bijlsma-Frankema and Rosalinde K. Woolthuis (Eds.). Personnel Review 36 (6): 996-1000.


Sytch, Maxim. 2018. How can you make yourself invincible at work? SmartBrief, September 8, 2017. Sytch, Maxim. 2017. “How to Make Yourself Indispensable at Work.” Dividend. Michigan Ross, Spring 2017.

Sytch, Maxim. 2017. “6 Smart Ways to Get More Out of Your Professional Network.”, February 8. (also in Observer, January 26, 2017; Apple News)

Sytch, Maxim. 2017. “What Companies are Best at Keeping up With Changing Markets?” Huffington Post, January 10. (also in Apple News)

Sytch, Maxim. 2016. “The 5 Habbits of Highly Influential People.”, July 18. (also in Huffington Post, April 10, 2017; Apple News)

Sytch, Maxim. 2016. “3 Powerful Forces That are Completely Changing the Way We Lead.” Huffington Post, July 19. (also in, July 20, 2017).

Sytch, Maxim and Scott DeRue. 2010. “Ditch Performance Reviews? How About Learn to Do Them Well?” Harvard Business Review Blog Series, June 22.

Gulati, Ranjay, Maxim Sytch, and Parth Mehrotra. 2007. “Preparing For the Exit.” The Wall Street Journal, March 6 : R11.

Other Publications

Sytch, Maxim and Adam Tatarynowicz. 2012. “Friends and Foes: The Dynamics of Dual Social Structures,” Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston.

Sytch, Maxim. 2010. “Where Do Conflictual Ties Come From? Exploring the Role of Spatial Distribution of Principals and Mediating Agents.” Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Montreal. (Academy of Management, OMT Division, Best Paper Award, 2010)

Fitzgerald, Patrick W., Maxim Sytch, Stephanie Arnoldin, and Zephanie Thompson. 2006. “Toward Understanding Sarbanes-Oxley and Business and Financial Ethics Requirements in a Post-Enron World.” Consumer Finance Law Quarterly 60(1): 64-85.


“Indus Towers: From Infancy to Maturity” (with Ranjay Gulati and Rachna Tahilyani). 2014. Harvard Business School Case N9-415-005, October 2.

“Friction and Frustration at TMG, Inc.: Leading and Motivating Teams” (with Scott DeRue). 2010. William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business. 1-429-112.

PDWs and Symposia

Organizer (together with Jesse Shore), Panel Session, “Diversity and Knowledge Creation,” MIT-Wharton NSF Knowledge Conference, August 2014.

Chair, Paper Session, “Embeddedness and Overembeddedness.” Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, 2013.

Social Network Analysis Workshop. “Interorganizational Networks.” Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, 2012.

Social Network Analysis Workshop. “Interorganizational Networks.” Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, 2011.

Social Network Analysis Workshop. “Interorganizational Networks.” Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, 2010.

Chair, Paper Session. “Interorganizational Relations.” Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, 2010.

Social Network Analysis Workshop. “Interorganizational Networks.” Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, 2009.

Faciliator, Interactive Paper Session. “Interfirm Relations.” Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.

Chair, Paper Session. “Interorganizational Ties and Firm Performance.” Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, August 2007.

Organizer and Chair (together with Jennifer Kurkouski), Symposium. “Embeddedness and Interorganizational Tie Formation: Understanding the Existence and Nature of Interorganizational Agreements.” August 2005.

  • Endorsed as a showcase symposium by BPS and OMT divisions of Academy of Management.

Conference Presentations

Sytch, Maxim, Yong Hyun Kim, Mijeong Kwon. “Network Resilience.” Michgan Sports Management Conference, February, 2018.

Sytch, Maxim, Yong Hyun Kim, Mijeong Kwon. “Network Resilience.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 2017.

Uribe, Jose, Maxim Sytch, and Yong Hyun Kim. 2017. “When Friends Become Foes: Previous Collaboration as a Catalyst for Conflict.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 2017.

Sytch, Maxim and Yong Hyun Kim. “Quo Vadis? Venue Shopping in Litigation.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Orlando, August 2013.

Sytch, Maxim and Adam Tatarynowicz. “Friends and Foes: The Dynamics of Dual Social Structures.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, August 2012.

Sytch, Maxim and Adam Tatarynowicz. “Exploring the locus of innovation: The structure and dynamics of network communities and a firm’s innovation performance.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, August 2011.

Tatarynowicz, Adam and Maxim Sytch. "Handle with Care. The Robustness of Interorganizational Networks to Bridge Decay." Complexity Conference, Northwestern University, March 2011.

Sytch, Maxim. “Where Do Conflictual Ties Come From? Exploring the Role of Spatial Distribution of Principals and Mediating Agents.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Montreal, August 2010.

Tatarynowicz, Adam, Ranjay Gulati, and Maxim Sytch. “The Evolution of Collaborative Interfirm Networks: Variations in Social Structure and Knowledge Diffusion.” Midwest Strategy Meeting, Evanston, IL, May 2010.

Sytch, Maxim. “Living in Two Worlds: Exploring the Duality of Social Structure and the Implications of Structural Congruence.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, August 2009.

Sytch, Maxim. “Living in Two Worlds: Exploring the Duality of Social Structure and the Implications of Structural Congruence.” Strategic Management Society Conference, Cologne, October 2008.

Sytch, Maxim, Adam Tatarynowicz, and Ranjay Gulati. “Where Do Brokers Come From? The Role of a Firm’s Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Anaheim, August 2008.

Sytch, Maxim, Adam Tatarynowicz, and Ranjay Gulati. “Where Do Brokers Come From? The Role of a Firm’s Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity.” INSEAD Network Evolution Conference, Fontainebleau, October 2008.

Gulati, Ranjay, Maxim Sytch, and Adam Tatarynowicz. “The Rise and Fall of Small Worlds,” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, August 2007.

Sytch, Maxim. “Navigating the Web of Conflict and Cooperation: Social Structure and Dynamics of Alliance Formation.” 14th Annual Consortium on Competitiveness and Cooperation, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, April 2007.

Gulati, Ranjay and Maxim Sytch. “Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on Exchange Performance.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 2006.

Gulati, Ranjay and Maxim Sytch. “Dependence Asymmetry and Joint Dependence in Interorganizational Relationships: Effects of Embeddedness on Exchange Performance.” The Sixth Annual Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, London Business School, London, May 2006.

Sytch, Maxim and Ranjay Gulati. “Can We Both Make It Work or Should We Be Worried? The Effects of Firms’ Relational Capabilities on the Likelihood of Alliance Formation.” Alliance Edge Conference, Toronto, Canada, September, 2005.

Sytch, Maxim and Ranjay Gulati. “Can We Both Make It Work or Should We Be Worried? The Effects of Firms’ Relational Capabilities on the Likelihood of Alliance Formation.” Academy of Management Annual Conference, Honolulu, August 2005.

Sytch, Maxim and Ranjay Gulati. “Do We Know Each Other or Are You Good Enough? The Effects of Firms’ Relational Capability on the Likelihood of Alliance Formation.” European Group of Organization Studies, Berlin, July 2005.

Gulati, Ranjay and Maxim Sytch. “Does Familiarity Breed Trust? Revisiting the Antecedents of Trust.” European Group of Organization Studies, Berlin, June 2005.

Invited Presentations

Harvard Business School, February 2018 Stanford University, April 2017

Yale School of Management, April 2017 INSEAD, May 2016

Australian Graduate School of Management, UNSW, January 2016 MIT, Sloan, April, 2015

NYU, Stern, February 2014

University of Tilburg, February 2014

INSEAD, February 2014

London Business School, January 2014

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton, January 2014

MIT-Wharton Knowledge Conference, July 2013

University of Washington, St. Louis, February 2013

University of Michigan, Hosmer Luncheon, February 2013

University of Michigan, Tauber Institute for Global Operations Advisory Board, September 2012

MIT-Wharton Knowledge Conference, July 2012

Utah Strategy Conference, March 2012

University of California, Irvine, February 2012

University of Chicago, Booth, (Markets & Organizations), February 2012

University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, Visiting Committee, March 2011

University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, Alumni Board of Governors, March 2011

University of Michigan, Hosmer Luncheon, March 2011

University of Michigan, Organization Studies and Political Science, Networks Workshop, Sept. 2010

University of Michigan, Strategy Department Brownbag, August 2010

University of Minnesota, Carlson (Strategy & Organization), February 2009

Dartmouth University, Tuck (Strategy & Management), January 2009

Harvard Business School (Strategy), January 2009

Harvard Business School (Organizational Behavior), January 2009

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton (Management), January 2009

University of Toronto, Rotman (Strategy), January 2009

University of Texas at Austin, McCombs (Management), January 2009

Boston College, Carroll (Organization Studies), December 2008

University of Michigan, Ross (Management & Organizations), December 2008

McGill University, Desautels (Strategy and Organization), December 2008

Honors and Awards

Academy of Management, OMT Division, Finalist for Best Paper on Entrepreneurship Award, 2016

Organization Science Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2015

Nominated for the Golden Apple Award, a University-wide Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2015

Michael R. and Mary Kay Hallman Fellow, 2014-2016

Academy of Management Journal Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2014

Ross Executive Education Teaching Impact Award (Open Enrollment Programs), 2014

Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40 in the World, Poets & Quants, 2014

Sanford R. Robertson Professorship, school-wide, junior faculty award to recognize career achievement and outstanding performance in research and teaching, 2012

Nominated for Teaching Excellence Award, Ross Full-Time MBA program, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016

Finalist for the Best Paper Award at the 4th Israel Strategy Conference, 2010

Academy of Management, OMT Division, Best Paper Award, 2010

Academy of Management, OMT Division, Finalist for Louis R. Pondy Award, 2010

Best Reviewer Award, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

Best Reviewer Award, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management

Merv Shalowitz Research Fellowship, 2008

Department Nominee for Presidential Fellowship, Northwestern University, 2006

  • OMT/MOC Consortium, Academy of Management, 2008
  • SMS Dissertation Workshop, 2007
  • BPS Dissertation Consortium, Academy of Management, 2007
  • CCC Doctoral Colloquium, 2007
  • OMT Doctoral Dissertation Consortium, Academy of Management, 2006

Oklahoma City University

Distinguished Alumnus of the Meinders School of Business, 2017

Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society Scholar, 2002

W.W. and Rose Woodworth Scholar (full scholar), 2000-2002

President’s Honor Roll – all semesters

Moscow State University (Ulyanovsk Branch)

Ranked first in graduating class, 2001

Honors Stipend, 1995-1999

Professional Service

Associate Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2018-present

Editorial Board, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2012-2017

Editorial Board, Organization Science, 2012-2017

Editorial Board, Academy of Management Journal, 2013-present

Editorial Board, Strategic Management Journal, 2013-present

Chair, Administrative Science Quarterly Contribution Award Committee, 2015

OMT Doctoral Student Consortium, Faculty Participant, Academy of Management, 2014, 2015

Research Committee, Organization and Management Theory, Academy of Management, 2010-2017

Best Published Paper Committee, Organization and Management Theory, Academy of Management, 2012

Ad hoc Reviewer for:

  • Academy of Management Review

  • American Journal of Sociology

  • Management Science

  • California Management Review

  • Academy of Management Annual Conference

  • Strategic Management Society Annual Conference

  • The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) of the Dutch Ministry of Education

  • Study of Russian Journals in Management, administered by the New Economic School and the Russian Ministry of Education

University of Michigan

ICOS Guest Curator, University of Michigan, 2015

School of Kinesiology Recruiting Committee, 2014

University of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program 2010-present

Ross School of Business

MBA Concentrations Committee, 2015

MBA Program Advisory Committee, 2014-2015

MBA Core Curriculum Redesign Task Force, 2014-2015

Chair, Interdisciplinary Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2014

Management and Organizations Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2014

Faculty Advisor for MBA Food, Beverage and Agribusiness Club, 2014-present

Orientation for incoming Full-Time MBA students, Mock Case Sessions (two sections), August 2013

Orientation for incoming Global MBA students, June 2013

Orientation for incoming Part-Time MBA students, May 2013

Core Faculty Task Force, 2012

Multidisciplinary Action Learning Project (MAP) Case Competition Judge, September 2012

Ross Leadership Initiative Session Chair, August 2012

Departmental Brown Bag Seminar Coordinator, 2011-present

Management and Organizations PhD Admissions Committee, 2009-2011

Management and Organizations Core Course Coordinator, 2010, 2012

Doctoral Program Research Grant Proposal Reviewer, 2010

Faculty Advisor for MBA Family Business Club, 2010-2012

Ph.D. Student Supervision (Dissertation Committees)

Mijeong Kwon, Ross School of Business, Management and Organizations (in progress)

Eun Woo Kim, IERP Committee Member, Ross School of Business, Management and Organizations

Thedore DeWitt, IERP Committee Member, Ross School of Business, Management and Organizations

Cassandra Aceves, IERP Committee Member, Ross School of Business, Management and Organizations

Yong Hyun Kim, IERP Committee Member, Ross School of Business, Management and Organizations

Heeyon Kim, Dissertation Committee Member, Ross School of Business, Strategy Department

Suntae Kim, IERP Committee Member, Ross School of Business, Management and Organizations

Research Grants

ICOS Research Grant, 2012

Ross School of Business Large Research Grants, 2010, 2011

Ross School of Business Small Research Grant, 2010

Heizer Center for Entrepreneurship Research Grants, Kellogg School of Management, 2006, 2007, 2008

Dispute Resolution Research Center Grant, Kellogg School of Management, 2006

Center for Technology and Innovation Management Research Grant (NSF grant program), Northwestern University, 2006

Center for Biotechnology Grant, Kellogg School of Management, 2005

Conference Travel Grants, Northwestern University Graduate School, 2005, 2006

Professional Affiliations

Academy of Management

American Sociological Association


Strategic Management Society

Teaching Experience

University of Michigan, Ross School of Business

Full-time core MBA course, “Leading People and Organizations,” ~80 students per section

Ratings /5.0

  • Fall 2017: 4.9, 4.7, 4.6
  • Fall 2016: 5.0, 4.9, 4.9
  • Fall 2015: 4.9, 4.9, 4.9
  • Fall 2014: 5.0, 4.9, 4.9
  • Fall 2013: 4.5, 4.9, 4.9
  • Fall 2012: 4.9, 4.9, 4.8
  • Fall 2011: 5.0, 5.0, 4.8
  • Fall 2010: 4.5, 4.3, 4.8
  • Fall 2009: 4.1, 4.4, 4.8

“Management and Organizations for Lawyers,” University of Michigan Law School 4.7/5 (Law) & 4.4/5 (Ross)

Emerging Leaders Program, “Building and Leveraging Professional Relationships,” 2010-2013

Co-Director, Strategic Leaders Programs, 2015-2017

University of Michigan, Ross School of Business on Coursera

Leading People and Teams (2015-present). Over 200,000 participants.

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management

Part-time MBA, “Leadership in Organizations,” ~ 40 students per section

Ratings /10.0

  • Spring 2009: 9.2
  • Summer 2008: 9.4

Executive Program, Center for Non-Profit Management, “Creating and Managing Strategic Alliances,” 2007-2008

Executive Program, Center for Non-Profit Management, “Leading through Social Capital,” 2008

Executive Program, Center for Non-Profit Management, “Leading Strategic Change,” 2009

Full-time MBA Program, Graduate Initiatives in Management, Joint Ventures Module, Case Discussion “Trouble in Paradise,” February 2008

PhD Program, Macro-Methods Class (Social Network Analysis Module), 2005, 2007

Teaching Training

Teaching Roundtables at OMT Junior Faculty Consortium, Academy of Management Conference, August 2010

Art and Craft of Discussion Leadership, Case Teaching Method Workshop, Harvard Business School, March 2008

Industry Experience

Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2001-2002

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 1999